Washington Silvera works present us interesting questions involving art ant technique. His diversified group of operatory possibilities allows him to transit, with some easiness, trough several languages, being the installations, the objects and photographs the more pulsating means.
Observing his repertory of forms, his instrumental of objects and thoughts, we have a clearer notion of measures used in the modelation of a universe where the manual disaccelerates the anxious of the mechanical. what is noticed is the potentialization of the craft technique that, connected with new systems of sensorial integration, melts, in the moment of artistic creation, with other ways of approximation faster and safer.
The intention of mobilizing the technology for the production of artistic dispositives is one of the important keys of Washingtons's works. Articulating justpositioning, overpositioning, dislocations and types of cuts, the artistic shares with the observer an sharpened analysis of his sensations. Overcome the mythicization of the prodigious movement of application of new principles of technique and sciense, the valorization of the hand as main agent of artistic production lines up to a takem of human conscience related to concerning consequences of the vertiginous acceleration of the progress.
Curatory: Marcos Hill
GRACIAS, pero no quiero más esta LLAVE.
Me he dado cuenta que una llave no guarda nada. Me gusta la metáfora, la capacidad de captar como una llave puede ser una idea. Y se logra pasar a otro nivel de pensamiento donde nuevas puertas esperan por otras. Algunas veces fáciles de encontrar, pero otras, están escondidas en las palabras entrecortadas de un millón de personas. Mira las fotografías, videos y dibujos… Es un honor contar con tu tiempo y atención, ¡La puerta está abierta!